Same Day Emergency Grease Trap Cleaning – 24 Hour Support

In the busy restaurant industry, a full grease trap can be a ticking time bomb, threatening your kitchen’s efficiency and operations. When grease traps overflow, they can cause foul odors, clogged drains, and costly health code violations that harm your restaurant’s reputation. These issues disrupt your daily operations, pose health risks, and drive away customers. The inconvenience and lost revenue from shutting down your kitchen can be significant, making immediate action essential.

Emergeny Grease Trap Cleaning Service. Same Day Grease Trap Cleaning and Grease Interceptor Pumping
Grease Pumping Service 24 Hour Emergency

That’s where The Grease Company steps in as your trusted partner. We understand the critical need for a clean and functional grease trap, which is why we offer round-the-clock emergency pumping and cleaning services. Our experienced and dedicated team is always ready to respond, resolving your grease trap issues swiftly and efficiently to minimize any downtime for your business.

Major Grease Trap Waste Build Up

Back Up & Overflow

Is your kitchen drowning in grease trap chaos? Don’t let overflow and slow drains ruin your day! Take action now and call us for expert grease trap pumping. Let’s restore your kitchen’s flow, one drain at a time.

Plumbing Issues Cause By Grease Trap & Grease Interceptor

Maintaining a grease trap is crucial for any commercial food servicing establishments, as it prevents fats, oils, grease and solids (FOGs) from entering the plumbing system. However, when a grease interceptor or grease trap becomes full, it can lead to some significant issues that will impact your operations.

  • One of the first signs of a full grease trap or grease interceptor is slow draining sinks and drains in the kitchen. As the grease trap fills up, fats, oils, and grease start to block the flow of wastewater passing through the device. This causes water to drain slowly and stay longer in sinks and dishwashing areas. If you notice your kitchen drains are sluggish, it’s a clear sign that your grease trap is nearly full and needs to be emptied.
  • An overflowing grease trap or grease interceptor is a more severe sign that it is completely full and cannot hold any more waste. When this happens, the trapped grease, oil, and food particles spill out, creating a messy and unsanitary situation. This overflow can cause significant disruptions in your kitchen operations, making it essential to address the issue immediately. When a grease trap or grease interceptor overflows it’s imperative to immediately turn off all running water inside the kitchen and contact a grease pumping company. Regular maintenance and monitoring of the grease trap can help prevent such overflow incidents.
  • A full grease trap or interceptor, or lack of regular service, can produce unpleasant odors that permeate the kitchen and even the dining area. Accumulated grease and food waste decompose, releasing foul smells that can be off-putting for both staff and customers. Persistent bad odors are a strong indicator that your grease trap needs cleaning. Addressing this promptly not only ensures a pleasant environment but also helps maintain your restaurant’s hygiene standards.

The Dangers of Exceeding The Maximum FOGS Capacity

Exceeding the maximum allowable FOGS waste capacity poses significant dangers for your grease trap. Designed to manage a specific amount of fats, oils, and grease (FOGs), once the FOGs content surpasses the 25% limit, the effectiveness of the grease trap diminishes. This excess concentration of FOGs results in various problems, including blockages within the system, leading to slow drainage and potential overflow of the FOGS recovery device. Moreover, the accumulation of FOGs contributes to the release of unpleasant odors as grease and food waste decompose. To prevent these issues, it’s crucial to conduct regular inspections and maintenance of the grease trap, ensuring it stays within the allowable limit. By doing so, you can maintain the efficient operation of your grease trap, uphold hygiene standards, and avoid disruptions to your restaurant’s daily operations.

Grease Pumping Company That Can Help You

In conclusion, when your restaurant or food servicing establishment is facing a grease trap or grease interceptor emergency, The Grease Company is here for you. Serving all of Southern California, including Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino, Ventura, Santa Barbara, and Imperial counties, we’re committed to providing prompt and effective emergency grease trap and grease interceptor cleaning services.

Our expert technicians are equipped to handle any crisis promptly, ensuring that your kitchen operations remain seamless and your commercial kitchen is running smoothly. With our 24 hours support, you can rely on our team to solve your grease trap and grease interceptor issues.

Don’t let a grease trap emergency disrupt your business – contact The Grease Company now for immediate assistance. Let us take care of the dirty work so you can focus on running your business. Reach out today and experience the peace of mind that comes with having The Grease Company on your side!