Pasadena, California
Grease traps and interceptors are vital for all restaurants and food servicing establishments to operate a commercial kitchen. Also known as Fats, Oils, Grease, and Solid waste separators, these devices are mandatory to run a food service establishment in Pasadena.
Grease Trap Service in Pasadena
The city of Pasadena ordinance requires that businesses dealing with food and beverage to have a device that will prevent grease and food waste from entering the sanitary sewer line. Even some establishments that do not use grease or oil, such as coffee houses or sandwich bars, are still mandated to place a FOGS control unit to prevent food solid waste from going into the sewer line. Depending on the type of food servicing establishment and the anticipated amount of FOGS waste generated, the city will appoint which unit is the right one for your business. These devices can vary in sizes ranging from 10 gallons up to 20,000 gallons. Contact the city where the business will be operating and verify which unit you will need to run your business.

When To Clean A Grease Trap or Grease Interceptor?
Knowing when to service a grease trap or grease interceptor can eliminate costly cleanup costs, plumbing issues, and city citations. The city of Pasadena requires that all FOGS control devices must not exceed 25% grease and solids content to ensure that they work correctly, and all parts of the device must be working correctly. For instance, if the device is 100 gallons, it’s considered full when the floating grease and settled solids are 25%, and the wastewater content is 75%. Researchers have found that exceeding the maximum allowable range of FOGS content depletes the system’s effectiveness, making it more of a liability than an asset. Lack of or improper cleaning will cause the device to affect the plumbing system negatively by clogging and overflowing.
Restaurant Trap & Interceptor Cleaning Companies
The establishment must have the unit regularly maintained by a licensed inedible kitchen grease (IKG) hauler per city of Pasadena regulations. Depending on the FOGS control unit’s size and FOGS amount, entering the device will often determine how often the device should be pumped and cleaned. Generally, small indoor traps need cleaning every month, and larger outdoor grease interceptors per quarter or when the combined FOGS level reaches 25%. Failing to comply with regulations can lead to a citation and can cause plumbing issues.

Grease Trap & Grease Interceptor Repair
Over time parts of these devices can deteriorate or malfunction, negatively affecting their performance. For the device to be compliant or perform its purpose, all pieces must be intact working precisely, such as the baffle wall and T-Pipes. The most common problem that these devices experience is fallen t-pipes and corrosion of baffle walls. These pieces perform as a stopper of FOGS from backflowing into the kitchen and out to the sewer lines. Without them, it makes the unit become ineffective and compromises the plumbing from getting clogged.
What is The Cost To Maintain a Great Trap or Grease Interceptor?
The cost of cleaning a grease trap or grease interceptor can vary based on the device’s condition, size, and accessibility. Devices with excessive FOGS content or larger will experience higher costs due to higher disposal fees and labor costs. In contrast, devices that are cleaned and maintained regularly are a significantly lower cost of cleanup. When cleaning a grease trap or grease interceptor, the servicer must extract all content such as the floating grease, settled solids, and wastewater.
Pasadena Grease Pumping Service
Restaurant & Commercial Kitchen Specialists

When looking for a grease trap or grease interceptor cleaning service in the city of Pasadena, it’s essential to do due diligence to ensure that your device is serviced and cleaned correctly. Remember that these devices are the heart of the kitchen, and if it’s not maintained precisely, you will encounter an unwanted plumbing problem at your business.
Be confident that the grease pumping company you award your business to can provide you with photos and reports when the job is complete. Be aware that when servicing or cleaning a FOGS control device, the grease trap cleaning company must remove all waste, exposing the device’s floor. Upon completion, a licensed grease company will visually inspect the trap or interceptor to determine its condition.